Maintaining the Highest Quality for Horse & Rider
ADK Stables is a beautiful 100 acre farm located just 10 minutes north of the 401 in the Township of Stone Mills (between Kingston and Belleville).

Established in 2012, ADK Stables has all the benefits of a brand new facility with a bright, airy and clean 80' x 140' steel building that houses our hay storage, stalls, tackroom/viewing area plus our indoor arena (65'x140') all under one roof.
We ofer 10x10 matted stalls, multiple grooming stalls and multiple aisle cross-ties.
Our heated tackroom/viewing area includes boarder tack lockers, lesson tack and large windows with stools for viewing.
In addition we have eleven 3-strand electric fenced paddocks all of varying size and terrain plus drainage to provide turnout options for every horse (including those who need dry lots).
We can easily accommodate individual turnout and keep our group turnout to a maximum of 4 all separated by gender.
Paddocks are dragged and rotated often in order to keep them in the best shape possible.
Our outdoor horses also have access to a run-in shed.
For outdoor riding we offer a large (100'x200') professionally installed sand ring with great drainage, fully fenced and a full course of jumps.
We also allows riders access to our hay fields for hacking plus we have access (via the fields or Dewey RD) to a quiet side road for additional hacking.
We are always trying to improve our facility and programs.
For 2019, we hope to make multiple facility upgrades but first on the list is adding more grass pastures.
ADK Stables works hard to maintain an extremely high reputation for the quality of our facilities.